
Aug 11, 2013


This is a topic about jtag. So first thing first. What the heck on earth is jtag? 
Jtag is a protocol designed in somewhere 1980's middle to overcome the bed of 
nails issue.

Okay the next obvious question is "okay quack jtag is a protocol, SO?" 
So? ugh, so it lets you have lot low level access. Which a software doesn't 
let you reach because of some ring and other DMA and other clocking restrictions.

Okay this gives birth to the very next question "What on earth is bed of nails?"
aah well, life is not a bed of roses like wise in electronics also there are no
bed of roses. there used to be something called as bed of nails. 

Okay fish, it doesnt answer what i asked, "What on earth is bed of nails?" 
back in time untill JTAG became a standard, all chipsets after fabrication were 
made to pass over nail like needle aka bed of nails. and its main purpose is to 
check if the circuit is okay and also if botched up which nail is not conducting.

What is jtag? "Look quack, you got me super uber confused. explain properly!" 
Well jtag was designed with the sole purpose of testing the circuit but then it 
was adopted as an industry standard to check and debug cpu/ram/buses etc etc et 
al and also lately used to debug softwares also.

Okay, so you said its about circuit check and now debugging board and cpu and 
ram and other peripherals and bus and now even software? 

 Now let me speak and you read. Do we have ourselves 
forged out a deal? So. Jtag is a protocol, its not longer used as a bed of 
nails but used to debug circuits and programs. the full form of jtag is 
joint task action group. there are many kinds/types of jtag for different kind 
and architecture. jtag is mostly used for embedded archicture viz mips and arm.
but its also used in other architecture yes it includes x86 and also x86_64.

Before it was coined as jtag in europe it was popularly till today known as 
JETAG which stands for Joint European Task Action Group, but eventually as time
passed away, E got dropped and it became popular as JTAG or Joint Task Action 

Now the current trend is IJTAG or Internal JTAG which is mostly used to debug 
DDR memory and also to clock them. ;-) Welcome to NWO, New World Order.

What does it debug? Every cpu when manufactured will mention the debug ports/pins
in the datasheets. Some are pin like your intel/amd cpu which have pins. a few of 
these pins are the debug pins and they allow you a direct access to your DMA and 
other essential components expecially buses. But now we have bga and pbga cpu and 
tbga (teflon for those harsh zones like acid bowl/boilers etc) bga cpu. bga means
ball grid array and pga is pin grid array. there are many types of bga and pga 
which is beyond the scope of this document. 

What is the main use of jtag? 
Jtag binds itself with TAP or Test Access Point for SoC (system on chip) and or,
SIP (system in package) or POP (Package on Package).
the arm cpu on blackberry playbook is a SOC of type POP and inside the chip there
is SIP. There are more than one cpu inside like cortex-m3 is inside the main cpu
chip and on top of that there is the ram package. 

Why this process so successful? because we can accomodate many integrated circuits
inside the package. to control this there is EMbedded TAP Controller aka EMTAPC. 
Why this is so important? Using EMCTAP the space is reduced, footprint is reduced,
many components can be packaged into the package. reducing the purpose of glueing
more components into the board aka solder and also yet allow access to the TAP. 

Now what are these debug pins/pads? For pga its called debug pins and for bga its 
called pads. How are they connected? the process of connecting is called mating.
How its done is using either pins which stands in a male/female socked and combined
to connect with male female. i.e. Female Sockets onboard binds with Male Pins from 
emulator and Male Pins onboard hooked up using female sockets from the emulator. So,
there is no homosexuality and no retardism straight fornification with no bull 
fecal matter business. Am i clear? And are you still reading? then please do so.

There debug pins/pads are labelled as :
TDI - > Test Data In.
TDO - > Test Data Out.
TMS - > Test Mode Select.
TCK - > Test ClocK.
GND - > Ground.
PWR - > Power.
These are the fundamental jtag pins/pads and its constant across all architectures.

Other additional pins/pads are:
TRST - > Test ReSeT (test pin)
CS -> Chip Select (mostly for RAM)

Now the purpose of each pins/pads are configured in the shift register as Parallel 
In & Parallel Out. This process is called capture process since signals are captured
in this process. And there is this parallel unload operation called unload. in 
simple english capture is read and unload is write. 

Data gets routed/shifted through serial registers or shift register in serial mode
from a dedicated input pin called as TDI and the terminating data pin in called 
TDO. test clock is fed in via another dedicated device input pin hence called TCK,
and the mode of operation is controlling register is called TMS and GND is ground 
as usual.

This process of scanning the pins for data feed out (capture) and feed in (unload)
is called boundary scan cells, and these replaces the olden days "Bed Of Nails."

Using jtag what all hardware defects/errors are scanned? 

Using the signals sent and received and prior information database check/matching 
is done to evaluate this criteria :-> 
Scan Cell -> Driver -> Bond/Bind Wire(s) -> Legs/Pads/Balls/Pins -> Solder quality & correctness -> Interconnect Solder i.e. between layers -> Legs/Pads/Balls/Pins -> Bond/Bind Wire -> Driver -> Scan Cell

So TDI & TDO & TCK & TMS & TRST forms the TAP or Test Access Point. The TAP forms 
the boundary scan and when the machine is one it forms the finite state machine 
or STM. It must have n>=2 Registers and or n-bit registers for holding current 
instructions where n must be greater than 2 and is usually in hexadecimal, and
1-bit register again in hex as bypass register aka Bypass. And a 32-bit 
identification register (Ident) which contains the corresponding CPU match in 
the database.

TDI and TDO and a hold section forms the IR or Instruction Register. So what 
the heck is IR? There are some decoding logic between the two sections which 
depends on the width of the register and the number of different instructions.
The control signals originate from the TAP controller or EMTAPC and its because
of either shift-in/shift-out through the IR shift secrion of the register or 
the hold section which is also known as update operation. It can also capture 
certained hard coded values into the shift section of the IR register. Why is 
it so important? because the Memory TAP contains the RSA signature private key 
which is hardwired in the efuse which is read in the memory and stored untill 
the hash check is done and then wiped clean from the memory.

The IR code must be *MINIMUM* 2 bits long and contains four (4) mandatory 
instructions, namely Bypass, Sample, Preload, Extest. But their maximum value
is never predefined. During capture mode it has to be 01 as the IR or 0x01
pattern and its universal for all architectures. and its MANDATORY to have 
0x01 as the IR pattern as capture mode.

There are other instructions like Intest, Idcode, runbist, clamp, highz (HiZ),
flush and store and many more and also a few private instructions, which are 
never documented.

TDI-to-TDO bypass instructions is captured during boundary scan and this is 
known as chip-to-chip interconnect and it does the initial check and its 
called test-the-tester. 

so TAP can be tablularized as 

1. TMS 2. TCK 3. TRST*

- TAP - 

ClockDR, ShiftDR, UpdateDR, Reset*, Select, ClockIR, ShiftIR, UpdateIR, Enable.

*TRST is the optional terminal/pin/pad and reset is an optional instruction, 
normally used to reboot the device. 

The IR is of 32 bits and its broken into 

4 bits -> version
16 bits -> part number viz. cpu/device code
11 bits -> jedec number (manufacturer code)
1 bits -> lsb (least significant bit)

| 4| 16 | 11 |1

Now BR or boundary scan register! What it does it is it reads the I/O signals
from the I/O ports and tristate ports. Tristate ports are 0,1,Z. 0 & 1 = Current,
and Z = ground. 
The order is directly related to physical adjacency or connections or which pin 
is connected to which pin and its selected by Extest, sample, preload and intest.

After IR state the BR state is on hold by the CS because the RAM is on the same 
shared bus. and here clamp instruction is passed via the pin multiplexer. if
there are no multiplexer then system bus is directly accessed. This is known as
preload instructions.


There are private or undocumented registers and instructions which are never ever
documented for confidential reasons. which is why TI never gives away the NDA 
materials because it contains this private instructions somewhere and w/o knowing
its a gamble. And the boundary scans reads inputs as signals from these pins and 
then finally read from the test pins. 

The test pins are connected to other pins/pads and this is called networking and 
this networking is called a bus or logic gates. typically each signal can use 
anywhere from 20-400 logic gates connected in a network called network bus. 
This is not the tcp/ip network protocol this is the I/O connection bus. 

There are different kind of bus, viz. usb, pci. pcie, serial, parallel, isa, vxi,
pcmcia etc. These buses are wires or electrical pads/pins connected to each 
other which forms a network bus.

If there is a short circuit then its calculation formula is ceil [log base 2 (N)],
where ceil is ceiling value or current passing through as bits. So if its a usb bus?
where there are 5 wires then there can be ceil (log base 2 [127*5]) bits. 

If you failed in math dont even try to understand this mathematical calculations, 
jtag is not your cup of tea and if someone wishes to help me calculate the exact 
value then more than welcome. 

The TCK value is somewhere between 10 MHz to 25 MHz. MHz = Mega Hertz. 
Hertz = Cycles/Oscillations. 

In ARM JTAG? First SRAM is initialized which is why this process is called as CAR,
or Cache-As-Ram. This SRAM initilizes the system RAM via bus logic I/O and the 
signal is O_Enab or Output Enable. 

Okay enough, Bull Fecal matter having being said. Now you may either continue 
to read further or press the eject button and criticize or rant about blackberry.
Feel free to be my guest. 

Next topic is BSDL, which stands for Boundary-Scan Description Language. 
BSDL is a subset of VHSIC Hardware Description Language where VHSIC = Very 
High System In Chip. 

If you dont understand logic? Dont read from here on. This is highly logical. Now,
if you are illogical this is not the piece you should be reading. Get off and go 
rant or criticize me. You have a PHD in being a two face, be my guest. 

BSDL transforms these machine state 0's and 1's signals into human readable 
0's and 1's bits. If you are one of those 10 types who (dont)understand binary 
math and have failed in math, dont read this. i will not take/make any effort to
explain you anything either in 01/10 math or in english. thank you.

This pattern generation is called ATPG or automatic test pattern generation and 
its done by the EMTAPC called ATE (Automatic Test Equipment). 

To understand this 0's and 1's normally take 7-8 weeks to understand the full 
pattern documented and private ones. 

Elements of BSDL are :

#1. Entity Description -> This identifies the device and its serial number or 
model number or a family number. 
#2. Generic Parameter -> This deals with other non important information 
example packaging and sub family et al.
#3. Logical Port Description -> This deals with the description of logical 
ports such as I/O (both system and TAP) pins and denotes their state or 
(de)muxed state eg I,O,I/O,Z etc etc.
#4. Use Statements -> Some IEEE standard found on packaging and datasheet and 
on package bodies is denoted here.
#5. Pin mappings (vref) -> This shows how the pins are mapped and which pins 
bear which number and et al and also their string and (de)muxed value.
#6. Scan Port Identification -> This port shows the TAP identification as which 
port is connected to which.
#7. Instruction Register Description -> It identifies the device-dependent 
characteristics of IR.
#8. Register Access Description -> This shows which register is connected 
between TDI and TDO.
#9. Boundary Register Description -> This contains the list of boundary cells, 
along with information regarding the cell type and associated control.

If you havent understood BSDL, then forget it. Dont read the next paragraph and
thats it BSDL ends here, and now HSDL. 

HSDL stands for Hierarchial Scan Definition Language and why is it so important?
TI or Texas instruments designed this subset of BSDL and uses it in all OMAP 
chips including OMAP4430 which is in blackberry playbook. 

HSDL is a patented technology from TI and its main use :
#1. is to test the bus interconnect. 
#2. board description along with dynamic and reconfigurable architecture.
#3. ease of use and risk reduction and verification during and improvement
during interactive design and debug.

BSDL and HSDL combine to form the UUT or unit under test description. 

Components of HSDL are as follows:
#1. Entity description -> Talks about the board and its version and make and 
model number. starts with entity statement and ends with end statement. 
#2. Generic Parameter -> Talks to the board and its components and shows the 
cpu package used. 
#3. Logical Port Description -> Logical I/O (system and TAP pins) and denotes 
the nature viz input, output, bidirectional and so on, eg I,O,I/O,Z etc.
#4. Use Statement -> External definition found on package and bodies which is 
tattoed mostly.
#5. Pin Mapping -> Logical signals of physical pins of a particular entity
with (de)muxing or (de)multiplexing.
#6. Scan Port Identification -> Defines entity's TAP with signal and sometimes
#7. Member Description - > Shows what other modules are present along with the
main pins. viz daughter cards and sub-assemblies. 
#8. Bus Composition -> Shows the bus composition eg modules buses, member 
module buses, member device buses and member device test registers.
#9. Path Description -> Netlist of TAP signals on the board or the scan paths.

Aug 21, 2012

Mobile Libraries

Commonly Used mobile libraries and Open Source Utilities

  • POSIX and STL
  • C++ Sockets (libstdc++,libsockets)
  • openGL ES 1.1/2.0 (libEGL,libGLESv1,CM,libGLESv2)
  • openAL 1.1 (libOpenAL,libalut)
  • Imaging (libpng,libjpeg)
  • Compression(libz,libbz2)
  • Fonts(libfreetype)
  • Math(libm)
  • XML(libxml2,libxsit)
  • Database(libsqlite)

  • Boost(Framework)
  • Lua(Scripting)
  • Box2D(2D physics)
  • Bullet(3D physics)
  • Recast(Path finding)
  • Ogg/Vorbis(Audio)
  • Cocos2D-X(2D Engine)
  • Gameplay(3D Engine)...

For more information

Jul 4, 2012

Android open source

Whether the android is totally open source? No
Its based on Linux? Yes
Even if it's based on Linux, Google tweaked the meaning of open source. Kernel is under GPL license  but android is in Apache.
Meaning any vendor/developer making changes to android can keep it to themselves.
So why android?
Now android is a way to disrupt mobile industry, any vendor can use the Android and can make there own framework on it.
Why G1,Xoom,Nexus?
Advertising the android versions to hardware manufactures about android capability.
So is it enough if I download and use the source?
To compile and port you require hardware. You can verify with emulator but the essence is relied solely on hardware.
So how can I port android version on my existing piece of hardware?
Vendors usually lock the bootloader. Meaning they won't allow to load the custom version esp. Motorola hardware. Few of them provide options of unlock, relock.
Locking bootloader relies on cryptographic signature of manufacturer.
So where does the hardware fit in?
Android is a shell. HAL is hardware abstraction layer, it's a mechanism for hardware to communicate with software. And manufactures does HAL modifications depending on hardware they are providing with.
Say cores, RAM, GPU, SoC, Camera, Radio, GPS. Usually manufactures won't release the code for these hardware functionalities which makes them unique with features.
Android HAL is limited, manufacturers thus make modifications to it. So any new android version upgrade for the existing hardware thus takes time even if you have libraries for the hardware functionalities.
Example:RIL is required for radio functionality. AT&T Nexus phone is completely different from Verizon Nexus phone even if both are dependent on same android version and so does updates.

So how people can design custom ROMs when drivers are not released?
Most of vendors provide reference boards to port android and verify with there SoC like OMAP,ARM,NVIDIA...
So drivers are usually pulled from these reference boards.
There is a huge gap in Android and so does users.
Finally its AOSP...

Further Reading:
Apache vs GPL

Dec 28, 2011

Authentication Steps and Entities role in LTE

Mutual Authentication + Integrity+Ciphering
Control Plane :
1.UE - NAS and RRC 
NAS -Control Plane between UE and MME
RRC- Integrity Protected and Ciphered between UE(RRC) and eNodeB
As discussed earlier their will be 6 steps involved in control plane security,lets see in detail

Step 1
Network tries to find out User context based on GUTI. If not found MME requests IMSI from UE
Step 2
After receiving UE’s IMSI(Provided UE doesn’t have GUTI), the mobility management entity MME sends the home network HE /HSS AuC [Authentication Centre]Authentication Data Request which includes IMSI, serving networks SN identity and network type
Step 3
Upon receiving the request,
Step 4
HE generates an EPS authentication vector/(s) (RAND,XRES, AUTN,KSIASME)
where the first three parameters are same as those in the EAP-AKA, and
KSIASME is the key set identity of access security management entity ASME
Step 5: MME sends the RAND, AUTN and KSIASME to the UE which verifies the AUTN and authenticates the networks.
Step 6: If successful, UE generates the response RES and sends it back to MME which compares XRES with RES and authenticates UE

What each entity does

Well in next post lets see Ciphering and Integrity along with Algorithms involved

LTE Security Terminology

ASME-Access Security Management Entity

  • HSS/HE – Home Subscriber Server– Contains the User credentials and profile settings
  • ME – Mobile Equipment – UE without UICC / USIM
  • UICC – Universal Integrated Circuit Card – Smart Card used in UMTS and GSM
  • (U)SIM – (UMTS) Subscriber Identity Module – Application in the UICC for (3G) 2G

  • AKA – Authentication and Key Agreement
  • RAND – AKA: Random challenge
  • AUTN – AKA: Authentication Token
  • XRES – AKA: Expected Response
  • E-AV – EPS Authentication Vector – Contains: AUTN, XRES, KASME, RAND

  • IMSI – International Mobile Subscriber Identity (user id)
  • IMEI – International Mobile Equipment Identity (device id)
  • GUTI – Globally Unique Temporary Identity– Similar to P-TMSI in UMTS but longer 
GUTI : ID which uniquely identifies a UE in EPS without revealing the users permanent ID. GUTI is allocated by a MME which can be used to
  •   Uniquely identify the MME which allocated the GUTI
  •   Uniquely identify the UE within the MME that allocated the GUTI
GUMMEI: Globally unique MME Identifier which is used to identify a MME uniquely
MME Identifier(MMEI) = MME Group ID(MMEGI)+MME Code(MMEC)
The MMEC provides a unique identity to an MME within the MME pool, 
while the MMEGI isused to distinguish between different MME pools.
  The TMSI is a temporary number used instead of the IMSI to identify an MS. (8 digits)
  Mapping of the TMSI to the IMSI is done by the network and is typically handled by the VLR
IMSI is sent only when necessary, for example
  •   when the SIM is used for the first time
  •   when there is data loss at VLR
TAI: Tracking Area Identity
IMSI <=15 digits
The Serving Network identity i.e. MCC + MNC
Network Type : E-UTRAN

Similar to UMTS AKA, EPS AKA is also based on the shared key K between USIM and the networks.

Steps involved
1.Identity Request
2.AKA Procedure
3.Key Derivation


May 23, 2011

Linux:Building Kernel and installation process Part 2

Now lets see a breakdown of my earlier post
Lets download a linux package .
Get latest package from  [ or bz2]
In linux use 

  1. wget
  2. tar zxvf linux-2.6.39.tar.gz 

Once its unzipped u will get a directory linux-2.6.39 [or linux-2.x.x]
cd linux-2.6.39

If you already have a customized options for configuring your kernel use make oldconfig else use make menuconfig and select the required configuration.You can also use a graphical version make xconfig. [basically for wireless config,Networking....]
View of make menuconfig

After you have generated your .config file .
If something went wrong in .config
make mrproper -will delete the .config file

Its time proceed to dependencies
make dep 
Note: make dep just ensures whether all include files and other dependencies are in place
make clean-This removes all of the object files and some other things that an old version leaves behind.See this always help you when you are recompiling your kernel.

What we did till now ?
Downloaded the kernel ,made the required configuration which generated .config file later did make dep .

Major Part -Compiling Kernel
make bzImage
resulting kernel image will be in "arch/i386/boot/bzImage"

Lets proceed to building Modules
Remember just to compile a module you dont require the entire linux source tree.
Okie here we are worried about Linux Kernel building ...
So to build modules you can use make modules
make modules_install will copy the modules into the the kernel directory of lib.

Okie till now everything seems to be good.Lets Install the kernel now.
We have seen in my earlier post
Kernel Image is termed as vmlinuz

image=/vmlinuz # Location of kernel.
Is it wrong?We have generated kernel here and its called "bzImage".Who kept vmlinuz now ??
Okie here is the answer

On most Linux systems, the kernels are stored in the /boot directory.So after generating the kernel bzImage we will copy it .

cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.39
Why as vmlinuz??
Its the usual convention followed .Check your bootloader config.While copying keep you can keep your name but accordingly change the configuration you are all set.
So after you have copied the newly genereated bzImage as vmlinuz-2.6.39 copy the as well in the /boot directory .[/boot/] is generally used by syslogd and klogd for kernel logging
Further Reading

change the bootloader configuration file [LILO/GRUB] with the new name vmlinuz-2.6.39.
You are all set .

Kernel Get set Go!!!!!!!