
May 13, 2011

OS format for mail

This is the a interesting fact that this system reveals. You can get to know the target's
  • Operating System (Name and Version)
  • Browser (Name and Version)
  • Host of other Information.
The paragraph below describes the Browser/Operating System Details Field, which identifies your browser and certain system detailsof your tareget.
The following figure shows a sample string reported by Internet Explorer and highlights its tokens.A typical Internet Explorer user-agent string.
For historical reasons, Internet Explorer identifies itself as a Mozilla 4.0 browser.
The sample string contains three tokens.

  1. The Compatibility flag ("compatible") is used by most modern browsers; it indicates that Internet Explorer is compatible with a common set of features.
  2. The Version token specifically identifies the browser and contains the version number. The version token in the example ("MSIE 7.0") identifies Windows Internet Explorer 7.
  3. The Platform token ("Windows NT 6.0") identifies your operating system and contains its version number. The example token indicates Microsoft Windows Vista.
Alternate tokens can appear in the string for a number of reasons; these usually identify optional features installed on the system. For example, an "SV1" token appears in the strings of Windows XP users who have installed Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2).
Internet Explorer Tokens
This section summarizes the tokens used by recent versions of Internet Explorer, which places three tokens in the by default.
  1. Version tokens
  2. Platform tokens
  3. Feature tokens
The following table lists the version tokens used in recent versions of Internet Explorer. In general, version tokens begin with MSIE and are followed by the version number of the browser. Many pre-release versions append the letter "b" to the version number.
Version tokenDescription
MSIE 7.0Internet Explorer 7
MSIE 7.0bInternet Explorer 7 (Beta 1 pre-release only)
MSIE 6.0Internet Explorer 6
MSIE 6.0bInternet Explorer 6 (pre-release)
MSIE 5.5Internet Explorer 5.5
MSIE 5.01Internet Explorer 5.01
MSIE 5.0Internet Explorer 5
MSIE 5.0b1Internet Explorer 5 (pre-release)
MSIE 4.01Internet Explorer 4.01
Platform tokens describe your operating system; the following table lists Internet Explorer platform tokens for the last several versions of Windows.
Platform tokenDescription
Windows NT 6.0Windows Vista
Windows NT 5.2Windows Server 2003; Windows XP x64 Edition
Windows NT 5.1Windows XP
Windows NT 5.01Windows 2000, Service Pack 1 (SP1)
Windows NT 5.0Windows 2000
Windows NT 4.0Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me)
Windows 98Windows 98
Windows 95Windows 95
Windows CEWindows CE
Certain optional components can also modify the string; the following table shows common ones. Be aware that many third parties also modify thestring. Because of this, a comprehensive list is not possible.
.NET CLR.NET Framework common language runtime is installed, followed by the version number
SV1Internet Explorer 6 with enhanced security features. (Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 only)
Tablet PCTablet services are installed; number indicates the version number
Win64; IA64System has a 64-bit processor (Intel)
Win64; x64System has a 64-bit processor (AMD)
WOW64A 32-bit version of Internet Explorer is running on a 64-bit processor.
DIGIT, FunWebProducts, DigExtIndicates that the Browser was installed by a CD of DIGIT Magazine or some other third party magazine/company.

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